Specializing in communication between hearing and Deaf individuals
Specializing in communication between hearing and Deaf individuals
Community Interpreting
Interpreters of the Deaf, LLC is proud to provide both face to face and VRI services for community interpreting. Deaf, Hard of Hearing , and Deaf-Blind consumers are entitled to equal access by means of effective communication to any service available to the public including;
We can provide a qualified interpreter for you.
Educational Interpreting
Interpreters of the Deaf, LLC offers Educational Interpreting and has a track record of success. We have the ability to evaluate the skills of the interpreter to insure you have a qualified interpreter for your students. We provide Interpreters for most districts in Southwest Ohio and beyond.
We are also proud to provide Educational Interpreters both in person and remotely.
Legal Interpreting
Interpreters of the Deaf, LLC offers Legal Interpreting for:
Make sure you have a qualified interpreter for your legal needs.
Workshops and Upcoming Events
Professionalism/Transliteration Workshop March 29, 2025
Interpreters of the Deaf, LLC is an approved sponsor for RID continuing education units and is honored to have Jennifer Boyd, M. ED., NIC, CI, CT as the presenter on Saturday, March 29, 2025 at the Historic Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio. The morning session on Professionalism will assist interpreters in understanding the nuance of working in different environments and the impact they have on the individuals they interact with. The afternoon session will focus on the Art of Transliteration. Both sessions will be presented in English with American Sign Language Interpreters.
Click here to download flyer.
Click here to Register.
Deaf Culture Workshops
Interpreters of the Deaf, LLC offers Workshops on Deaf Culture for it's customers. They can introduce your organization to an often marginalized group of people and how to conduct yourself without offending. These can be tailored to your organization and may be used as part of your Diversity Training, including How to Use an Interpreter, and satisfying the ADA requirement. Contact us to set up a Deaf Culture Training for your organization and educate your staff to reduce your liability.